Email Marketing
For Restaurants

By the end of 2023, the global number of email users is predicted to reach 4.3 billion. Email is an excellent way to keep them up to date on special offers, new menu items, and other essential information about your restaurant. Let our email marketing agency help you make an impressive statement through winning email campaigns!


What Is Email Marketing For Restaurants?

Simply described, email marketing is the practice of engaging with consumers or audiences via email. Typically, this entails creating and using an email list that receives information, special offers, and promotions when it comes to restaurants.

An email list is a collection of emails from visitors or customers who want to obtain information, updates, discounts, and other information about your restaurant via email.

Email lists can prove to be a great channel that can have a great return on investment. Email marketing delivers better ROI than social media when done right. For example, an email is six times more likely to be clicked on than a tweet. Emails are great for brand recall and reminding your customers about you, enticing existing fans or customers and even getting new foot traffic.

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How to Build Email Lists?

The easiest part is sending the emails. The challenge is to gather emails and build a relevant and engaged email list. Fortunately, the right tools and strategy can make this procedure a whole lot easier.


Before 2020, email gathering was generally done manually or via a website. Restaurants can now utilize digital avenues and gather emails through social media and other platforms.

Incentivizing your potential customers to sign up to your email list by offering a discount or free appetizer for new sign-ups that can bring you new customers.

Why Use Our Email Marketing Services For Your Restaurant?

Eighty percent of business professionals consider email marketing a great channel for improving customer retention. And we are no different; we believe it can do wonders for your restaurant's growth and retention.

We'll assist you in implementing best practices;

Here are some email campaigns you can use:


Offer your subscribers a free appetizer for signing up to your email list. A great ice-breaker and a great way to show your customers there is value in being a subscriber of your restaurant. It also encourages your customers to look forward to more deals, and the free app is a great way to bring them back to your restaurant.

Who doesn’t like a free meal on their birthday or any day of the birth month? Here’s a campaign we love, it’s called ‘’Eat Free during your birth month.’’ It requires the customer to bring a table of six to get their free meal. You can use terms and conditions for the birthday person to bring in a group and eat multiple times at your restaurant.

Are you throwing a karaoke party? Have a masquerade party for Halloween? Send out a joyful email to your consumers, and tempt them with a preview of what they may expect. Include that information in the email, along with a representative photo, if you're serving special food items such as ghost cookies and eyeball spaghetti on Halloween night. Also, don't forget to mention special offers like "Everybody who signs up for Karaoke Night receives a free drink!"

As a restaurant owner, you undoubtedly already know that you should take advantage of all holidays, from the large ones like Christmas and Halloween to those unique to your business. However, if you run a pizzeria, you need to do something special to commemorate National Pizza Day.

Emails are a great way to engage with your target audience during the holiday season by sending customized emails for the occasion, wishing them a happy holiday, and informing them of your particular activities for the day. If you're closed, let them know in the email and tell them you'll see them when you resume. Likewise, let customers see the menu offerings they may expect and any upcoming promotions if you're open.

It doesn't matter how great a website is if nobody visits it. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of website designers are concerned with search engines. We utilize Local SEO and SEO marketing to help you get discovered on local searches and search engines. We assist you in setting up email signups and online ordering on your website. After all, every restaurant has a set of goals to meet. If you're ready to take the next step in your business's growth with a robust online presence, contact Best POS Website Design Company for a quick consultation, or request a Free Quote now.

Assume you've recently added a new menu item, redesigned your menu for a given season, or introduced a limited-time menu option- your customers will want to hear about it. If there are several products, provide a brief description of each and include a photo of each.

Are you asking customers to give you their email via signing a feedback form at your restaurant?

  1. That can help you get emails, but the reach of gathering emails on digital platforms is limitless, and if done right, it can help you reach a much larger target audience. For example, we can help you get emails from users who follow you on social media and are likely to dine in at your restaurant.

  2. mail-sent-amico

Sending emails too frequently may irritate your subscribers and sending out emails less frequently can cause them to lose interest in your restaurant. Therefore, we carefully plan emails utilizing best practices. Excessive emails can end your emails in spam, or you may get ghosted.

Call to action and copy are vital in getting clicks. The email messages should be impressive, and users should want to click on your link or take the action you want them to take.

A/B testing allows you to replicate email messages and test tiny changes to subject, graphics, text, video, and other elements. We'll see which campaign variation performs the best, and you'll get to pick the winner.

We make sure to do repetitive emails promptly to reach the appropriate person at the right time. We create bespoke automated workflows for mailings and customer interactions to ensure that your promotions and discounts get to the right people on time.

More and more businesses are resorting to automation to stay in contact with their customers. So, your restaurant is running a summer promotion that will last three months. They may need reminders or a follow-up. Last year, automated emails drew 29 percent of email purchases, as per Omnisend.

Are you asking customers to give you their email via signing a feedback form at your restaurant?

  1. That can help you get emails, but the reach of gathering emails on digital platforms is limitless, and if done right, it can help you reach a much larger target audience. For example, we can help you get emails from users who follow you on social media and are likely to dine in at your restaurant.

  2. mail-sent-amico

Sending emails too frequently may irritate your subscribers and sending out emails less frequently can cause them to lose interest in your restaurant. Therefore, we carefully plan emails utilizing best practices. Excessive emails can end your emails in spam, or you may get ghosted.

Call to action and copy are vital in getting clicks. The email messages should be impressive, and users should want to click on your link or take the action you want them to take.

A/B testing allows you to replicate email messages and test tiny changes to subject, graphics, text, video, and other elements. We'll see which campaign variation performs the best, and you'll get to pick the winner.

We make sure to do repetitive emails promptly to reach the appropriate person at the right time. We create bespoke automated workflows for mailings and customer interactions to ensure that your promotions and discounts get to the right people on time.

More and more businesses are resorting to automation to stay in contact with their customers. So, your restaurant is running a summer promotion that will last three months. They may need reminders or a follow-up. Last year, automated emails drew 29 percent of email purchases, as per Omnisend.

Retain and grow a loyal customer fanbase through Email Marketing

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Benefits of Email Marketing For Restaurants

Email marketing should be at the top of your marketing priority list. Building and using an email list for restaurants has numerous advantages. Here are a few figures:

  • 1

    When it comes to getting offers, email exceeds all other channels by 92 percent.

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    Almost 73% of Millennials prefer email communication from businesses.

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    Email campaigns that are segmented can increase income by up to 760 percent.

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    Over the last 24 months, email marketing engagement has increased.

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    At least once a month, 68 percent of guests choose to hear from restaurants via email.

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    Marketing emails influenced 59 percent of respondents' buying decisions.

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    A single email campaign can result in sales of up to $3,400.

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    An increase of merely 5% in typical returning customers can result in a revenue gain of 25% to 95%.

Seventy-seven percent of consumers prefer to receive permission-based promotional messages via email, supporting the email marketing strategy. Permission-based refers to the fact that they have permitted you to send your promotions, indicating that the customer intends to return and appreciates your establishment. Email marketing provides you with a considerable competitive advantage. Email exceeds all other channels by 92 percent when it comes to getting offers.

Here are some benefits of using Email Marketing:

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Increase your Restaurant’s sales by emailing promotions and offers to your customers

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Get Started With Email Marketing For Your Restaurant Today

We can help you get started with your email marketing and help you make it a winning channel to grow your restaurant. We’ll help you with:

  • eye2_layer
    Planned campaigns

    We strategically create professional-looking and high-converting campaigns. It also helps you target and retarget the appropriate people at the right moment in their customer journey.

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    Automating Your Process

    By delivering emails at the right time, we increase your interaction and customer engagement. In addition, we create customized automated email and user experience workflows. It saves your time and ensures to reach the customers’ email at the correct time.

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    Manage Offers To Delight Your Customers

    Send weekly, seasonal, holidays, events, birthdays, or any other special offers and deals to your customers in email lists, so they can feel excited to visit your restaurant time and again.
